was a huge success as far as I'm concerned.
Dale had my name and made me the most gorgeous needlework case!

She did the front in a beautiful wool applique stitchery. Someday I hope to be able to do work as nice as hers. Such neat, tiny, little stitches. WOW!!

And inside on each side are a clear zippered pocket and a larger, clear open pocket, separated in the middle by a pincushion roll.

It's just perfect to take my stitchery with me when I have to go to an appointment or am traveling. My DD has already tried to steal it from me for her cross-stitch, lol. Fat chance!! Maybe if she's lucky, I'll try to find a pattern and make her one for next year. But her's won't be as nice as the one
Dale made for me, as I don't do wool applique yet. I've been going to make myself one of these needlework cases forever, but never seem to get to it. Now I have a beautiful gift to treasure for years to come. Thank you so much, Dale. You do beautiful work, and I'll be so proud to show this off to all my quilting and stitching friends. The little Santa ornie is just adorable also,

and the bag of Cadbury Santas!! How can you go wrong with them?? I can't thank you enough for such lovely gifts--you've made my Christmas very special.
From members of my little "Stitch 'n Bitch" group and Craft Club, I received some really nice goodies. Carol L made me this gorgeous, plaid, fleece shawl to wear when I get chilly. I've worn it every day/night since I opened the package--I just love it!

In fact, I think next year I'll be gifting this myself--it's perfect for our cold weather here in Upstate NY.
My card-stitching friend, Lynne, cross-stitched us these cool, colorful, ornaments for our trees.

Isn't it pretty? I wish I could still cross-stitch, but my eyes just can't take it any more. Aren't I lucky to have a friend who will do it for me?
Mary--who sometimes finishes my sentences for me and thinks so much like me that it's frightening, found me the perfect gift! This little lacy wallhanging--that she hopes will keep me on track in 2011. And keep my main goal for next year in plain sight...

Isn't this a riot?? And it's so true, it's scary. It's the perfect gift for me.
I can't show you the yummy cookies and candy made by Carol M because they didn't last long enough to take a picture of, lol. They came in a darling tin, but unfortunately they were scarfed down within 48 hours.

And Linda made us the cutest little wool bags with a snowman appliqued on it and envelopes of hot chocolate in it. Can't show you a picture because I think we're going to make them as a gift project this year, so I don't want to give away the surprise.
I got an email from
Dawn Hay of the
Gum Tree Designers fame. She is one of those talented Aussie gals that have changed how I view crafts over the last couple of years. I had Dawn's name in Chookyblue's SSCS this year. Scared me half to death when I got the email with her name. She's a pro--does beautiful work I envy, and
I have to make
her a nice pressie for Christmas? I had palpatations for a week after I got the email. lol. But she says she liked my gifties and put a really nice post with pictures on her
blog about them. So stop over there and check out all the delightful posts and tutorials she puts up.
Tomorrow is Quilt Club, so I should have some more pictures to show you from the girls. I have to take dessert, so I have to go get it out of the freezer to thaw.
So until next time,
Happy quilting from Sharon, Katie, and Patsy