I've really been busy since my last post. Decided to make a new summer purse because I was so tired of my old denim one. And it was too small to hold all the junk I've been carrying lately. Found some nice doublesided pre-quilted hot pink real summery-looking fabric on sale at my son's WalMart (not his personally, lol, he's a department manager there). So instead of grocery shopping on Friday, I sat down and cut out and serged myself a new larger purse. Only trouble is, I made it a little bit too large and it became a tote! (Must be the tote fairy zapped it when I wasn't looking!) I didn't put any inside pockets in, 'cause it wasn't supposed to be this big, but I did add 2 nice large pockets on the outside for my cell phone and note pad, pen, and sunglasses case. My old purse got so I couldn't zip it shut, but this one I left open with just a button closure. I put some plastic canvas in the bottom to make it stand up and put a long, skinny strap made from the same material on it. Now I'm ready to go with lots of room to spare. I can even put my small umbrella in it if I need to. Don't you just love the colors?

Worked some more on the Burger Queen Mystery. So far I only have my 12-inch blocks done. Finished squareing them up this morning. Later today I'll start work on the 9-inch ones. What do you think so far? I'll be adding in some different colors on a few of the 9-inch ones.

After I finished my maple leaf blocks, I worked on the 9-patch blocks I'm making for a quilt for Operation Quiet Comfort. This quilt only needs to be 36 inches wide by 60 inches long. I laid them out on the table as regular 2x3 rows, and it looks nice, but I think I'll cut up the blocks and rearrange them in the Disappearing 9-Patch format. I haven't made a quilt like that before, so it will be a new experience. Hopefully not a painful one!

Well, my break is over, time to get back to work. Can't get too far behind on that Mystery and OQC really is in desperate need of small quilts for our wounded warriors! Please take a minute to check out OQC's website and see how you can help, too. The link is posted under
My Favorite Links. Remember, our troops need our support!

Until later, Happy Quilting!