two old UFO's done! I trimmed and bound 2 quilts that have been sitting around for quite a while. One was actually quilted about 5 years ago. It was a project my DGD and I did one day when I was babysitting her--about 6 years ago, when she was 8 years old. Tomorrow she turns 14, so I guess it's time it was finally completed, lol. It's a flannel Scooby-Doo quilt that we laid out on the living room floor together, then she handed me the pieces, and I sewed them. Some of the pieces got turned around we found out after the top was together, but that's okay--it was her first quilt project. Now, of course, she's way too old for it --and since she's almost taller than me now, it's way too short also, but at least she'll have a memento of our first quilting project together. Now if I could re-interest her in sewing, that would be great.
The second quilt is a Flying Geese top that my friend, Mary, made about 6 years ago in wild colors. When she finished it she didn't like it, so she gave it to me. It's been hanging in my sewing room on the back of the door ever since. This winter I
found it again, and thought it would be a perfect lap quilt for DGD for her birthday. (She complained last fall when her mom, my DD, received a Halloween lap quilt for her birthday.) Since there was no chance of matching any fabric for the back, I went with 4 wild, sparkly prints I had in my stash. My friend,
Jane quilted it in varigated thread with dragonflies and bees and flowers to match some of the backing fabrics. It turned out really cute.
So tomorrow that's what DGD is getting for her 14th birthday--her Scooby-Doo quilt and a wild FG quilt and I get to cross 2 UFO's off my list. WooHoo! Pictures to follow.
Tomorrow is quilt club with the girls and Katie is determined not to be left out! She thinks she should be able to go with me, 'cause she knows there is another cat there! She's seen pictures and smells strange kitty on me every time I come back home! So now she thinks
she should be able to go too, lol.

Do you think I'll be able to get out the door without her? I don't know, I don't like to cross her--she can get mean when she doesn't get her way!

Until next time,
Happy Quilting from Sharon and Katie